PhD thesis titles inspired by #BreakingBad

I predict with a high degree of confidence that there will be several “What x can learn from Breaking Bad” articles over the coming weeks. At least a third of these will relate to public services.

In that spirit, here are suggested titles (semi-serious) of PhD theses I suspect will appear at some point.

  •  Disparity in the attractiveness of female actresses to their male counterparts in on-screen relationships on US television
  • Cooking crystal meth: how accurate is the science portrayed in Breaking Bad
  • Antihero: the demise of Walter White
  • Normalising, pointless or somewhere in-between: why was Walt Jnr a disabled person?
  • Gateway drama: Breaking Bad and the glorification of the drugs trade
  • On location: the importance of Alberqurque and the state of New Mexico as the backdrop to Breaking Bad
  • Modern man or hunter-gatherer? The portrayal of masculinity in Breaking Bad
  • Editing techniques as a means for replicating the sensation of drugs: a case study
  • Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and their uses
  • How much is enough? Average lifetime costs for families after a spouse dies
  • Actions speak louder than words: the contribution of dialogue-free scenes to the dramatic effect of Breaking Bad
  • An analysis of Walter White’s physical appearance and its developed over time
  • Marie’s kleptomania as more than a pot development tool
  • Sexism, misogyny and Breaking Bad

Feel free to suggest your own in the comments below or on Twitter (@rich_w).